Not to sound like the guy from movie trailers, but, in a world where there are many web development firms, how do you set your own apart? At Four Kitchens, we have found that our approach to project management is part of the secret sauce that sets us apart.
Once you have found the magic sauce, you have two options:
1. Hang on to your precious knowledge and not share it with the world.

2. Or share it with everyone for the benefit of all!

We choose to share our knowledge because we are firm believers in open source. We have, in fact, presented our approach to Scrum at various camps and conferences already. You can take a look at how we approach Scrum on this fancy shmancy one-pager we made:
Learn more about digital project management
This is why we love and support our friends at Happy Cog. They are also big believers in sharing knowledge and are always at the forefront of thought leadership and community contributions. The fine folks at Happy Cog are currently organizing a series of workshops for digital project managers. There is one coming up in Austin next weekend, which we are sponsoring. You can find out more about the Austin Digital PM workshop here.
Stay tuned for other Digital PM workshops in your area, or follow @digitalPMsummit for information on the big Digital PM conference in October. We hope to see you there!
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